Thursday, March 26, 2009

__ weeks later...

I don't have to say that I've been neglecting this, because it's obvious that I have been. Update time.

Before this semester began, I had thought that next year I would be living off campus with Erika. Up until the end of spring break, I still thought that this was the plan. I was wrong. Erika decided that she wanted to stay on campus to get involved in the leadership as a prayer leader. My prayer leader had asked me if this was something I would want to do, and I told her if I was staying on campus that this was a position I was very interested in. When Erika decided to stay, I really had no other choice but to stay as well (I wasn't about to move off and live alone, ya know?) At first, I was kind of upset. I've done two years of dorm time, and I'm pretty much done with it. I want my own space, a kitchen, the freedom to leave a building past midnight if I need to. And the financial benefits were great too. It's amazing how much money I would have saved had I rented an apartment. But I guess God didn't want me off campus. Once I knew for sure that my off-campus dreams had been dashed, I began thinking about one of the few pro's of my staying: becoming a prayer leader.

Before I left for Belmont, I was in leadership at my church. I led a bible study for middle school girls, and it was such a blessing. I loved the girls in the group, and I loved the opportunity to serve God by serving others. Leaving for school took that away from me, and ever since then I've been hoping that an opportunity would come along that would allow me to serve in a similar way. I think this is it.

If you don't go to Liberty, you probably don't know what a prayer leader is. Basically, you lead a "prayer meeting," or a bible study with five girls on your hall. It's considered to be a leadership position, and it's kind of a big deal here. The process works like this: first, you fill out an application. The application goes through your prayer leader, SLD, RA, and RD for recommendations, and if you get approved by all of those people, you get put on an approval list (which happens to go up tomorrow) and you can begin interviewing with the SLD's and RA's of all the halls on the campus. The leadership that want you on their hall will offer you a position, and you choose where you want to be.

My prayer leader asked me if I wanted to lead prayer group on Monday, and of course I said yes. I haven't done this in a while, but I'm pretty excited about it. I get to pick anything I want to talk about, and I'm trying to figure out what that is going to be. I only want to do this if this is where God wants me to be, but as of right now, I'm feeling pretty good about it. This could change, and if it does, I'll be ok, but there's a part of me that really, REALLY wants this. His Will be done though, right?

Monday, February 23, 2009

I don't update this half as much as I used to, even though I only had it for a few weeks before I started slacking.

I've decided that I really like plants, especially indoors. They make the non-outdoors seem so much nicer. And they remind me of home, where everything stays green and doesn't die.

Today I got a Valentine's card that my littlest brother made for me. That made me miss him and the rest of my fam a lot. Spring break is coming up soon, and I'm excited to see them, but I am not looking forward to the drive. I wonder if the people who can afford to fly everywhere really appreciate how blessed they are. To think that there was once a time when all I wanted to do was drive. Maybe I can pretend I'm 16 again, and make an adventure out of it. Does anyone know of any car games that you can play alone? Alone. That really puts a damper on the whole thing. I need to get ahold of some books on tape or something. 14 hours... SAD FACE!!! But there's a light at the end of the tunnel = Florida, warmth, family, Loren, palm trees, PUPPY!, no homework, rest.

Rest. I want to know what it feels like to truly rest in Christ. The kind of rest that refuels your soul and your spirit. I want to be on fire. To feel holy motivation and purpose. I'm tired. Weary. I waste my energy on things I can't control. I invest myself too much in situations that I need to just let be. I get worked up over stuff that is none of my business, really. For reasons that I tell myself are righteous. They're probably not. I'm leading with my emotions again. I'm trying to learn to be satisfied in every aspect of my life. Satisfied in Christ. Let that day come sooner rather than later. I probably just misused that term. YOU alone, Jesus. You alone.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

La. La. Heh. Lalalala.

I figured I should update this thing.

Nothing super exciting has happened recently.

I finally saw Madagascar 2. It was joyous as I expected it to be.

Right now, my window is open (being able to actually open my window is something that is really awesome about my dorm room.) and it smells like a campfire outside. I love it. I equate campfire with winter. I like experiencing a real winter, even if it's super cold.

I drew a hallway and a corner of my room for drawing class, and I'm not as bad as I thought.

I've straightened my hair almost every day since I've been here. Mainly because when I wear my hair curly, I let it air dry, and I can't do that when it's 15 degrees outside. So, when I wear it curly, people are all "Oh my gosh. Your hair is so cute curly." As opposed to when I'm at home and people say "Oh my gosh. Your hair looks great straight." I think it's funny.

I have watched almost every episode of every season of The Office since I've been at Liberty. The Office has officially secured a spot of one of my top 5 favorite shows. Watch it.

My room mate has introduced me to Mitchell Davis on Youtube. He's kinda funny, but he's got nothing next to Barats and Baretta.

Poptarts taste better hot.

I love going to basketball games. And doing the cupid shuffle with Tyler. Except for last night when THEY DIDN'T PLAY IT!

Syllabi is a fun word. Just say it. Syllabi, syllabi, SYLLABI!

My Single's Awareness Day (sometimes called Valentine's day) plans consist of ushering so that I can see a play for free.

It's weird not being involved in theatre this semester. It makes me sad.

This is probably going to take up a whole bunch of space. For no reason other than I needed to update this thing. Maybe the next post will be deep and profound, but not now.

Friday, January 23, 2009


It's been a while since I've updated this thing. Why?

1. College is keeping me busy
2. I didn't have my computer until about 4 days ago-ish.

Liberty is treating me pretty well. As well as can be expected in a place with 10 million rules. Every once in a while I'll feel a little rebellious, but I've basically accepted that I now attend Super Conservative U, and that's what I wanted.

It got below 0 once. That wasn't fun.

I'm still trying to adjust to certain changes that have occured around me. It's tough. I need Jesus desperately.

My room mates are pretty awesome. I consider myself blessed that I now live with two girls I can get along with.

These past few days were spiritual emphasis week. Clayton King was our speaker. I heard him speak 4 times, and I have come to this conclusion, Clayton King is awesome. I wish he spoke every week. He's HILLARIOUS, but he uses his humor to gain your attention. And it works. I had an epiphany, at least, that's what I'm calling it. I kind of have this mission in my head for my life. A way for God to use me, I guess. We'll see how that works out.

Last night, the mates and I were just chillin in our room and we hear this guy singing opera, so we look out the window. Loe and behold, some dude is serenading some chick with Ave Maria. I laughed so hard, I got abs.

Currently, Courtney and I are watching the Dungeons and Dragons club sword fighting outside our window. I have never seen anything like it. 8 people, on a field (one girl is wearing a cape), sword fighting with random sword-like objects. Amazing.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Give me Liberty, or give me death?

I leave for Liberty in 2 days. And I'm anxious. I'm not looking forward to having to start everything over again. I had become so comfortable with my life at Belmont, and I had established myself there. My first year of school was a time that I wouldn't trade for anything. I learned so much that year, but I don't want to repeat it. It took me a year to find my place at Belmont. I want this transition to be easier than the first one. I want to enjoy my time at Liberty to the fullest. I want God's will in my life there. That's my prayer: to learn and grow and live.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I wish I was Wrong

I usually lean towards pessimism. I like to call it realism, but it is what it is. I jumped to the worst case scenario, and this time, I was right.

I wish I'd been wrong.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Eagle Eye

A few reasons why Eagle Eye was a FANTASTIC movie:

1) Shia LaBeouf just keeps getting better looking as time goes on.

2) It could actually happen, which is frightening.

3) The whole concept and plot of the movie kept my complete attention.

4) You could tell where everything was going, and could put all of the pieces together, but it was so well thought out that I didn't care.

5) And the acting was good.

The only downfall was Jerry's awkward crush on his mother... (if you've seen the movie, you know what I mean)

Watch it. You won't regret it.